
Publicity Editors

Teresa Leodra, Karen Thessalonika Ulli Putri Panggabean, Elena Davinya Navaratnam, Ezriq Aidi Kamarul Hisham.

MUSA Editors consist of 4 Heads: Administration, Writing, Media and Graphic Design. We are in charge of covering events that happen both on campus and virtually throughout the year as well as providing a safe space for Monash students to express their creativity on our platform.

All our creative works are finally compiled in our digital and physical magazine: the Monash Gazette also known as MONGA which will be distributed to the student population at the end of the year.

Contact (Starting from the left):
Teresa (First): +(60)109264310
Karen (Second): +(60)129210441
Elena (Third): +(60)122989019
Ezriq (Fourth): +(60)126033231

MONGA Website

To more creativity ahead!